Thanks to Anne Huskey-Lockard at I have received this award. I am honored by her gift and the friendship she has extended to me for all these years. We have never met IRL but I feel that she is one of my most trusted friends. She is always there to listen to my petty problems and my big ones too, offering sound advice or just a shoulder to cry on. Now I will need to consult her as to how to put this award in my sidebar! I have much to learn about blogging yet. Anne outed me on her blog today. I had not told anyone that I had started a blog, just wondering if people would discover me on their own. Finally I did tell her, and this is the thanks I get;-)
Now I have the privilege of passing this Deborah award on.
First I want to award it to all my friends in my creativity group, Stitch 'n Bitch, aka S&B. April, Mary, Pinky, Karen and Joan are all members. We have been gathering nearly weekly for over 8 years now and Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week because of these gifted and compassionate friends. Mary started a blog to keep track of all our doings, check it out here: These gals are all so full of creativity and always supportive, I don't know what I'd do without them. Seriously.
I would also like to pass this award on to another friend who I have never met IRL, Martha at . We met through Internet connections nearly 2 years ago and have become fast friends and mutual supporters. This award really tells it like it is, "Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest, but who came and never left your side." I have a feeling that Martha and I will be friends for a long time. She creates some beautiful, whimsical, very colorful creative items. You really ought to pop over and take a look. She has a couple of other blogs too, one is about her farm life in Pennsylvania where she raises horses, cats, peacocks, chickens and soon a dog with any luck.
All these women are such a positive influence in my life and I am grateful and fortunate to be able to call them friends. After all, friendship is the best gift of all in my book. Thanks to all my friends.
One last thing, thank you all who have become my new followers today. I have tried to send private messages to you all but I don't know if you will get them or not so let me thank you here and now. My followers have doubled in one day and I appreciate the support. It makes it just that much more fun to have the blog.
Be well.
Goings on in March
Let's see... What has been happening in the last month?
Today is a warm day and the sun is out making it extremely pleasant. But
March is famous for its t...
1 day ago