This little bit was coming along nicely, some wool fibers needle felted on scrim on a piece of velvet. I was trying out an article in Cloth Paper Scissors magazine by Beryl Taylor (issue 16). Her piece in the magazine looked pretty and I was curious about her use of painted wonder under. I rather liked this piece before I applied the painted wonder under. I should have stopped there and did my usual doodle stitching on it but no! I had to iron on the painted WU and the paper backing wouldn't come off. It wanted to pull all the fusible up along with most of the needle felted roving. I came very close to wadding this up and throwing it into the fire!!!! Ack! I hate it! It looks like it has mange and then someone spilled yogurt on it. But one never knows, does one. It might grow on me if I throw it in a corner for awhile. Like a few years! Maybe I can cut it up and starter out of it?
Full moon tonight. Listening to Coldplay today.
Be well.
Goings on in March
Let's see... What has been happening in the last month?
Today is a warm day and the sun is out making it extremely pleasant. But
March is famous for its t...
1 day ago