My friend Larry was dog sitting his daughter's Great Dane. She had recommended that he bring the big boy out here for a visit because she fondly remembered coming here herself when she was little and thought Tucker would enjoy it. We all enjoyed it. Rocky thought Tucker was a wonderful new friend, Sadie wasn't so sure but she put up with him. Once we got them outside for a walk she discovered that she and Tucker shared a love of chasing the ball. Luckily we had two balls so there was no competition. Tucker really enjoyed being able to be off leash.
I haven't been around such a huge dog in many years. He was such a gentle mellow dog, but let loose when it was appropriate, on the walk. I could have kept him, even if he did practically fill my little house. His back was level with my counter tops. We joked that we could just fill the sink up with water for him to drink out of, but it was true, we could have. It was a fun visit for all of us.

I want to thank each and every one of you who has taken the time to stop by my blog and spend a few moments checking out whatever I had to post about. It has been a joyful journey and I look forward to another year of it. I wish you all a blessed new year and hope you receive all the best that life has to offer.
Be well and remember,