Laughing Dog Arts

Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tacky Christmas decorations

Greetings!  I hope you all have experienced a good holiday season so far.  It has been pretty good here and now I am laying low.  Sorry I haven't been visiting your blogs, I'm barely answering my email, just kinda hibernating.  I like this time of year for that reason.  Also I have company, I'm trying not to ignore them by hanging out on the computer.

Today I thought I'd just say hello and show you a picture of one of the tackiest Christmas decorations I have ever seen.  It is made from a beverage can and I believe it came from a box of stuff I bought at a garage sale.  I'm not sure why I held on to it instead of just tossing it into the recycle bin, but now I admit I have become rather fond of this tacky little Christmas caroler.  It is kind of cute, in a weird way.

I will try to get back to more interesting blog posts soon, with something less kitchy. Until then,
Be well.
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