A quiet place to relax and take a peek at some thoughts and images from my studio and farm. Hopefully you will find something to amuse you. Please leave a comment if it is worth your time.
Laughing Dog Arts
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Consider the dandelion
While the Dandelion is beautiful in & of itself I do fight to remove it from my flower beds for obvious reasons!! Have a Great Day! Love, Marilyn xxoo
Hi Jan!! As much as I love flowers, I have never paid much attention to dandelions. Looking at your photos here, they are actually lovely little flowers! It is understandable that we don't want our yards overtaken by them, but they do have a beauty of their own. The little beetle that you captured in the bottom photo is such a colorful little guy! These are great photographs, Jan!! I LOVE the photos of the moss and fungi, too. It is so intricate and colorful. Pretty, too, in a fungi kind of way!! I hope you have been well. I am trying to catch up on all I've missed while off Blog! Take care, Jan. ♥ audrey
when i was little i thought our yard was the prettiest because it had dandelions. how can something so bright and beautiful be considered a weed? great shots!
There is an old cow pasture, about a half a mile from us, and it is covered in dandelions. Every time I pass by it, I think to myself, "This is much, much prettier than my lawn." :) Beautiful photos - xox! Pam
Absolutely beautiful! The first bright bit of Spring I had after the cold and muddy winter melt was a single dandelion in the middle of a patch of green grass. (yes it was over the septic tank.....) As much as they are a pest, I fondly remember playing with them as a child and how nuch fun it is still to pick a seedhead and blow the seeds to the winds! :)
You sure did capture its beauty. I also love your Madonna piece it is gorgeous. Sorry have not been to visit for a while but had a nice look around this morning now off to the gym ugh LOL.
More beautiful pictures! What type of camera do you use? I remember hearing someone once say "You are a wonderful photographer. You must have a fantastic camera." To which the person answered. "You are a wonderful doctor. You must have a great scalpel." YOU are aa great photographer!
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While the Dandelion is beautiful in & of itself I do fight to remove it from my flower beds for obvious reasons!!
Have a Great Day!
Completely lovely.
What a great picture of the Dandelion and the ummm what is he anyway...a Beattle?? Well it is a great shot, all of them are!
Hugs, Fun, and strange creatures...:D
Hi Jan!!
As much as I love flowers, I have never paid much attention to dandelions. Looking at your photos here, they are actually lovely little flowers! It is understandable that we don't want our yards overtaken by them, but they do have a beauty of their own.
The little beetle that you captured in the bottom photo is such a colorful little guy! These are great photographs, Jan!!
I LOVE the photos of the moss and fungi, too. It is so intricate and colorful. Pretty, too, in a fungi kind of way!!
I hope you have been well. I am trying to catch up on all I've missed while off Blog!
Take care, Jan.
♥ audrey
when i was little i thought our yard was the prettiest because it had dandelions. how can something so bright and beautiful be considered a weed? great shots!
There is an old cow pasture, about a half a mile from us, and it is covered in dandelions. Every time I pass by it, I think to myself, "This is much, much prettier than my lawn." :) Beautiful photos - xox! Pam
I do love dandelions and your photos are gorgeous. What is that beetle?
Absolutely beautiful!
The first bright bit of Spring I had after the cold and muddy winter melt was a single dandelion in the middle of a patch of green grass. (yes it was over the septic tank.....)
As much as they are a pest, I fondly remember playing with them as a child and how nuch fun it is still to pick a seedhead and blow the seeds to the winds! :)
Hi Jan,
What pretty nature photos you've taken here!
Just gorgeous.
Great pixs, but I'm still hung up on the Mossy Fungi!
Dandilions are beautiful but so is Scotch Broom and both are something I do not want in my yard.
You sure did capture its beauty. I also love your Madonna piece it is gorgeous. Sorry have not been to visit for a while but had a nice look around this morning now off to the gym ugh LOL.
Bright and beautiful. That beetle has such an interesting coloration - hmm. Gives me an idea . . .
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeutiful! Really fantastic shots. Oh the joyful dandelion. **kisses** Deb
Great shots, love the bug one. I secretly love danelions :)they are such a pretty sunshiney yellow, but not so much when they go to seed.
The moss photos are beautiful.
You have been named for an award on my blog.
Those are a beautiful set of photos, Jan!
Aaaw! The last one has the marking of a coccillinedae and it looks gravid!
More beautiful pictures! What type of camera do you use? I remember hearing someone once say "You are a wonderful photographer. You must have a fantastic camera." To which the person answered. "You are a wonderful doctor. You must have a great scalpel." YOU are aa great photographer!
Hi Jan, wonderful fotos...amazing.
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