The above photo shows the gold flowered backing material that I used. I used it because I had it and it was big enough. There is also a solid dark green that is part of the backing. The green is part linen so is rather heavy. Notice the blue gloves next to the sewing machine? Those are gardening gloves that I cut the fingertips off of the first finger and the thumb. They really help me to move the quilt around under the needle. I'm doing a free motion squared off meander stitch. My shoulders are feeling fatigued this evening after getting though maybe a third of the stitching. I decided not to push it, there really is no hurry.
Instead I moved on to some more gentle hand stitching on my latest dooleybobber. It is inspired by a picture from the November issue of National Geographic showing a wetlands. It is rather larger than previous dooleybobbers so is taking longer.
Mary over at Fox On The Run Meanderings gave me this Scotty Froggy blog award. It is for Creativity and Fun. Lets see, who can I nominate for it? I think I shall nominate Olivia over at 4 Rooms and the Moon. She has a nice blog, creates some fun art so it seems appropriate. Go take a peek at her work if you have a moment, tell her Jan sent you. Thanks Mary, for the award!
Another thing I have neglected to post about is my inclusion into the Beautiful Bald Babies club!
Ces over at Ces and Her Dishes started the club to honor breast cancer awareness month and any friends who have battled cancer. If you click on the link it will take you to her post where she talks about the club and why she started it. There is also a great picture that she drew with all the founding members included. She is quite a talent. Can you find me in her picture?Hope you are all ready for the weekend and that you have a good one.
Be well.