My dog Rocky has been with me for nearly 13 years now so far. We have been on a lot of walks together, shared plenty of hugs.
Shared lots of muffins too. I have had about 20 dogs in my life, most of them here at this home where I have lived for 35 years. Had a number of cats too and they always have had their own door to the outside.
I have opened this door maybe, oh lets see, 10 times a day to let dogs in or out. That is a very low guesstimate I'd say. 10 times a day for 365 days a year for 35 years. That is a lot of opening and closing and letting out and in, wouldn't you say? Well, we finally decided to put in a dog door. I guessed that Rocky would have a hard time adjusting after nearly 13 years of having the door opened for him. But I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.
Rocky was the first of my 3 dogs to learn it. I thought it would be Tonka, the Border Collie. They are supposed to be known for being so smart. Tonka is rather dingy though, and can't seem to remember from day to day that he can let himself in and out now. Sadie is kinda arthritic so I still open the door for her a lot although she can get through the new door if she wants to. Not so much getting up in the middle of the night to open doors any more.
Sleep well.
Goings on in March
Let's see... What has been happening in the last month?
Today is a warm day and the sun is out making it extremely pleasant. But
March is famous for its t...
1 day ago