Laughing Dog Arts

Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Quilting my style (Lazy)


I wanted to make a quilt using some pretty horse related fabrics I have been saving (hoarding) for years now.  Above shows not the main fabric, but a secondary one.  I love the colors in it as well as the green and violet Laurel Burch fabric that was my main choice.  Above shows how I begin my crazy pieced blocks.  I start with a 10 inch square of some cotton prints that I don't like.  I put a wonky cut piece of the main fabric approximately in the center, then I begin stitching strips along the sides in a sort of log cabin style.
Except I'm stitching and flipping the strips as I go, right on to the base fabric.  Sometimes I have used as the base, squares of batting, but the fabric stays squared up better.
Above shows one block completed.  I trim as I go, and end up with a 10 inch square block.
I have a pile of strips cut to various widths, mostly 3/4 of an inch to 2 1/2, and choose what ever size and color seems to be the right one.
Here is the pile of fabric I cut strips from as I need them.

Thirty blocks finished.  Now to sew them together.
I just butt them up and zig zag them together, two at a time, trying to keep them even.
Then I straight stitch strips down to cover the zig zagged seam.  After I have pairs stitched together I stitch rows together until they are all sewn into one big piece.  Blocks are still 10 inches so this top is 50 X 60 inches. 
Not quite big enough for a quilt and awfully busy so I made some borders to put along the sides.
Not really much less busy.  Used mostly my hand dyed solids for these stitch and flip strips on top of a base fabric.  I made two border pieces, each 60 inches by 10 inches, then cut them in half lengthwise to make four strips, 5" X 60".

I put 5" squares of the horse fabric in the corners.
This is the back of the quilt top showing my waste fabric squares. 
Since the quilt top is so well stitched to the base fabric, I decided not to traditionally quilt the top but to tie it instead.  I'm trying to use up my huge stash of fabric so instead of batting I used an old flannel sheet, and I pieced together some rayon for the backing.  It is soft.
Close up of the rayon challis prints on the back.
This is the gorgeous Laurel Burch print I have been hoarding. If you look closely you can see the little tie thread on the horse's neck.  Next photos show some close ups of the prints I used.  Love that color way!

So now it is finished.  On to the next one.  

Merry Christmas to you all, hope you have a safe and healthy new year.  Are you making any new year resolutions?  Picking a defining word for your intentions?  I intend to keep making quilts and other art.
Be well.