I've been enjoying working in various journals, the one above is a regular hardback book I altered. It has the most wonderfully absorbent pages in it and takes paint very well, dries so fast. It is a book titled Married Love from the 1940's and the text is quite fun to read. Rather risque for the time. I cut about a third of the pages out before I began and I use them in other mixed media projects.

These next ones are from a folded paper book I made with one large sheet of paper. It makes a book of 16 pages that is about 9" x 6". A nice size. I should share the tutorial, you can find it here: folded paper journal. They call it a Meander Accordion folded book.

Remember the paper buttons I made about a year ago? I have used some of them here for my flower centers.
One final spread. I've been doing a little doodling lately. I made these hands on a separate sheet of paper while listening to TV, then cut them out and glued them into my book.

I made another Dooleybobber but couldn't show it until it was received by my friend Maggi. I gifted it to her for her birthday. I had an old embroidered cloth that I had picked up at a garage sale somewhere. It was rather stained but it was perfect to incorporate behind the dooleybobber.

Finally, here is a little baby quilt I made for my newest nephew, Sam. His mom is a professional photographer so if you like seeing photos of newborns, you should go take a look at Studio 623 blog. Cuteness factor is very high!!!

close up of the only "baby" fabric I used in the center of each block. (Linda, note the donkey:-)
Well that is about it for today. I hope you all are faring well this winter. Winter is almost my favorite season because I get to spend so much time in my studio.
Be well.