Last week I had some blogging friends come and visit me. It was the first time most of us had met, during this trip they took. From left is me, Uta from Australia (yes! Australia!!) Glenn from Seattle, Elena from Chicago or thereabouts and Robin also from thereabouts. (click on their names to go to their blogs) Oh, and the red dog Sadie! These photos are all taken at my place, this above one in front of my studio.

We Skyped one of the missing tribal members so she could bear witness to our attempt to cut Glenn's hair.
Even Chainsaw man got in on the act!

Uta did a pretty good job on Glenn's hair and beard. He does look a bit stunned though. His daughter is getting married next month so he is getting cleaned up for the special occasion.

They only stayed two nights and the time flew by. We had such a good time, with no awkward moments. Uta had flown in from Oz, stayed with Elena and other friends in the Chicago area, meeting them all in person for the first time. Then she, Robin and Elena took a train to Seattle, stayed with Glenn who showed them the Seattle sights. You should take a look at Uta's blog, And Then She Said...
to see the further adventures of the group. Robin and Elena are back in their homes now while Uta is staying at Glenn's. We were blessed with perfect weather, barely into the 80's. It was such a good time! Bloggers are the best!
I haven't posted much since my Rocky boy passed away. I had a bout with Shingles and believe me that was no fun. Lucky those things happened before my visitors were due to arrive. Well, lucky isn't quite the right word for it but I'm glad I was feeling better by then. Frankly I was terribly depressed for awhile but seem to be getting back to normal now. Sorry I haven't been visiting your blogs much lately, I'll try to get back in the swing of things here soon.
The weather here in Oregon has been mostly cool with a few days of sun here and there. I feel badly for those of you suffering in the hellish heat zones elsewhere. Hopefully your weather will moderate and enable you to enjoy the rest of the summer. Or your winter, as the case may be. Until next time,
Be well.