I know I've been absent for quite awhile. Now that the rain is returning I hope to get back to blogging more regularly. Today I'm going to show some photos from my garden. But first, I thought I'd show you my little cactus, it has never bloomed for me before but it is really flowering now!
Close up of center of cactus bloom.
The tomatoes didn't have time to come to full ripeness because of the late summer we had. We are still getting plenty, but not as much as we'd like. They are gorgeous, aren't they?
Because of the rain we decided to pick and bring in the biggest to allow them to continue to ripen indoors.
If we left them out in the rain they would start to split and rot out there, so we bring them into the house.
The lovely rainbow chard.
Drying some chard and herbs near the wood stove in the house.
Tomato butt.
Lettuce bolting.
Squash doing its best to ripen before the first frost kills it back.
Squash beauty.
Wooly bears are plentiful right now.
The tobacco is flourishing and flowering.
Penny brocolli heads.
Lovely veining in the kale.
Canna's did their best with the cool summer, the leaves are nearly as pretty as the flowers but last longer.
More chard. I love looking at it as much as eating it.
The apple tree is loaded. If you look closely you can see Tonka, Sadie and Charlie lounging.
I should have taken a photo of the potatoes. We dig them as we use them and I haven't dug any today for a photo shoot. They are the best potatoes I have ever tasted, melt in my mouth like they have butter on them but we don't use butter.
Earlier this year I showed this same view. Now the Italian dill is dying back, the tobacco is growing mature, and there is smoke coming from the chimney of my cozy little house. Autumn has arrived. Enjoy Nature's bounty.
Be well.