First I want to thank you all who gave me suggestions in my last post regarding what I might do with my Grandmothers coat. What I have decided is to write a note telling the story about my Grandmother and the coat that hung in my closet for so many years and how it ended up being donated to a thrift store. I will put it into the pocket of the coat. My hope is that it will be better appreciated that way. There is a local thrift store that benefits a woman shelter, I intend to take it there.

The photos above show a gift that I received in the mail last month. My friend Maggi from the UK sent this to me, all hand dyed by herself. Check out her web site if you want some similar items. She remembered that it was my birthday and gifted me these things!

There is a piece she worked on her embellisher machine, some gorgeous dyed silk chiffon, some beautiful matching threads and scrim, and two packages of beads. It is like a whole kit to make a dooleybobber!! So beautiful! Thanks, Maggi! I hope to do justice to these fine supplies one day soon.

Robin also remembered my birthday and sent me this stunning mandala card that she made. It just amazes me that she can create these and each one is so different and so beautiful!

Here is a close up, isn't it gorgeous!?!!! I love these colors and shall have to frame it. She gifted me a large framed one last year when she came to visit me.

Another visitor who was here last year was Uta from Australia. She returned this year and we decided to do a trade. Above you can see the painting she gave me. I love it! She does fantastic work and has won awards for her paintings. Check out her web site and expect to see more of her in the world of fine art.
In trade for the painting I gave her this quilt you can see her wrapped in above. She loves it and has it on her bed in warm Adelaide Australia now.

Another trade I made with a friend who has no web presence resulted in my receiving this fabulous sweater that my friend knit herself. I'm certain it will become a favorite garment for many years to come. So far it has been too warm to need to wear it but I of course put it on the minute I opened the package and found it to be the coziest thing even in the summer! Just beautiful! Thank you, Thalia, I treasure it.
In return I created this wall hanging for her, with her guidance as to its theme. I blogged about it here. It is titled Within the Stream.

Elena sent me this book because she knows how much I am enjoying making books these days. Some great ideas in here! Thanks E!

I also received this book from another friend who has no web presence. I love books, as anyone who follows my blog already knows. Thanks Lyla!
I have such lovely friends!
Well that's about it for now. One of these days I'll see if I can't post something about the art I have been creating. It has mostly been art journaling and bed/lap quilts. Time to start getting ready for winter art work, I wonder what my focus will be? Maybe I ought to start with a new dooleybobber using some of that gorgeous fabric Maggi sent me! Until then,
Be well.