I've been busy in the yard and garden lately so haven't been on the computer much. I'm also participating in the 21 Secrets on line art journaling workshops and enjoying those very much. Above you can see a piece I did following the Kate Crane class. Fun!

The above one I sent to my brother. It shows a picture of our grandfather and a copy of a registration certificate I found in Grandpa's papers, showing his immigration from Bulgaria to the USA.

Following Ro Bruhn's workshop in 21 Secrets, I created these flower drawings on the inside of old envelopes that have the security design inside.

I used some bird prints from napkins on this little piece. They become rather transparent when glued down to a substrate.

Playing with my gelli plate and following the instructions on the gelli blog, I made these tape transfers. I will turn them into book marks. Maybe.

Here is a spread from my art journal that I was rather happy with. I used some colored molding paste through a stencil for the flower shapes. Created the birds on other paper and then cut them out, glued them down.

Yesterday I finally began doing the quilting on the king size quilt that has been patiently waiting for me. I listened to the Joni Mitchell interview while working, helped the time pass. If you are a Joni fan, I highly recommend this interview although I'll warn you, it is rather long.

Lastly, here is a recent picture of my old boy Tonka. He is rapidly failing so this might be his last opportunity to make it live onto my blog. Poor old fella, he is 18 so has had a good run. Isn't he pretty? He's got the softest fur. And the most horrific breath! But I love him and will miss his dunder headed ways.
Well that is a taste of what I have been up to lately. It is raining here in Oregon today so it will be another good day to spend in the studio. I hope you all are enjoying this transition to summer. Such long daylight hours now! I love it.
Be well.