Hello there, my blogging friends! It took me awhile but I have finally reached my 200th post in this one. I thought I had better have a give away to celebrate. Details below.

For now I am showing you some paper "buttons" I made after reading a tutorial on
Kelli Nina Perkins blog. They looked so pretty and I had everything I needed so why not? If you click on Kelli's name above, it will take you to the tutorial on her blog.

They were fun and easy to make.
I used a few on this journal page. See them in the flowers towards the bottom?
Here is the double page spread.

When I saw these bangle bracelets on the
Art Bead Scene blog, I wanted to make some. So I did. Click on the blog name and you will see the tutorial. I had saved some plastic rings from lids off of mayonnaise jars and that is what I used as the bangle part of these bracelets. Upcyclers Unite!!

Finally, in honor of all my loyal blogging friends I thought I'd give away this fantastic book by
Judy Wise and Stephanie Lee.
Plaster Studio. Mixed media techniques for painting, casting and sculpting. I love the book but have decided that I'm not going to be making good use of it so would like to pass it on to one of you. Please leave a comment on this post telling me you want your name in the drawing for it. I'll draw a name on May 19th.

I found evidence of more upcycling in the natural world when I was cleaning out behind some books on a shelf in my studio. Beautiful mouse nest! Luckily I must have caught the mouse before they actually used this nest, it is a constant battle to keep up with the little furry critters. There are bits of fabric, tissue paper and of course the peacock feathers.
So that is what I have been up to when I'm not outside working in the garden. Hope you all are having a fine spring. Don't forget to leave a comment if you want to be in the drawing for the Plaster Studio book. I'll announce the winner next Sunday. Till then,
Be well.