(giveaway details at the end of the post)
Recently I did a trade with Lorna and this is what she sent me in return for the small art quilt I sent her. Even the package was cool!
Inside the bag were these things. A card with her work printed on it, a heart pin and a lacy fiber art pin. Thanks Lorna! I love it all and have been keeping my art journaling pens in the zipper bag. Love these colors!

A couple of weeks ago I won a giveaway over at Maddy's blog, Santa and the Mrs. She sent me this hoppy cuddle of bunnies that she made with her own hand painted fabric. Aren't they sweet? I have them on my table right in front of me where they can keep their eyes on me as I compute. Thanks Maddy!

Over the past couple of years since I have been blogging I have received all these lovely hearts from blogging friends. I call this my wall of love.

Here is another gorgeous gift I received from my good friend Anne who blogs at El Milagro Studio. She knit this for me using silk sari yarn. I was blown away when I opened the package and saw this beautiful item in it. I've been wearing it a lot and just can't get over the beautiful colors and the design and the fringe. Oh man! Thank you once again Anne!! You are definitely one of my priceless friends!
My friend Lynn at Cranial Purge sent me this spoon. I had told her about the spoon theory and it made so much sense to her, she wanted to thank me for the link and sent me this spoon. Now she is on an art journey of making spoon related art. Thank you Lynn, it means a lot to me that you shared this piece of your inspired work.
This little needlefelted/hand stitched fiber art piece arrived from my friend Martha. I love those dangly bits! So fresh and fun, I have it on the wall before me where it helps cheer me on a gloomy rainy day such as today.
Martha also sent this little zipper felt bag. I've got some bead work inside it to carry around. Sweet bag, thanks Martha!
I have found my fellow bloggers to be the most generous people around. I try to return the giving, and in this spirit I want to tell you all about a giveaway that just started on the group blog I am involved in. Fox On the Run is the name of the blog. click on the link to get there. We are giving away 5 weeks worth of stuff. I hope you will pop on over and take a look and sign up for the giveaways. No strings attached, just leave a comment and good luck. Maybe you will consider paying it forward one day. Until next time,
Be well.