Let me tell you a little secret: This is my first blog post on my own blog. After posting once or twice on friends blogs I realized how simple it is to start one and after being urged by those friends to do so, well, I have finally succumbed to the temptation. I can’t imagine that anyone would want to read it but I decided to create one for my own pleasure. I will use it as a personal journal to record my journey as an artist and a human. I guess it won’t be very personal if anyone in the world can look at it, but I won’t be writing or showing anything terribly private.
So, what photo should I include with this first posting? A recent piece of art I have created? A nature photograph? My Laughing Dog? Yes, I believe I will post a Laughing Dog photo, since this is where my name comes from. I love all dogs, big and small, but have really given my heart to the bully breeds, Pit Bulls in particular. I have raised five of them but only have one right now. The dog I named my studio for passed on a year ago and I miss him badly. I still have his brother, Rocky. Pit Bulls have the biggest grins of just about any dog out there, and this photo sums up my dog’s personalities very well.
I hope to keep this mainly as an art and nature journal and not take it too seriously. If you would like to peek into my journey now and then, you are most welcome.
The photo is of Sierra, my Laughing Dog. He was a boy, btw. I named him Sierra because of his color.
Today is the last day of 2009, a good day to start a blog, don’t you think?
Be well.