I finished another quilt awhile back. This one was a stack the deck style quilt. I was a little disappointed when I finished it, I thought it seemed a bit muddied up compared to the quilt blocks before I sewed them together. But after pulling it out into the sun today to photograph it, I find that I do like the colors very much. Windy likes it too.

Since the sun has finally returned I was able to lay my big queen size quilt out so I could pin baste it. Above you can see the backing and batting.

I made these fabric weights out of big metal washers which I covered with Sculpey. They work pretty well and and are fun to use.

Another project I finished today was to take these old bowling balls and turn them into garden art. I covered them with Mod Podge to glue the aluminum foil to them. I then rolled them around on my floor which effectively smooths the aluminum out and ensures it is adhered to the ball.

Then I colored the balls with alcohol inks and this is the result. My redneck garden gazing balls! The first one I made held up for a couple of years outside year round. I was able to peel off the aluminum and re do it today. Now I have two!
I'm taking part in the 21 Secrets online workshops and enjoying it very much. Maybe my next post will show you some of the work I'm doing inspired by these journaling classes. Check it out, the classes run till December 31, 2013 so you have plenty of time.
That's it for now. Hope all of you are enjoying some fine spring weather, or autumn.
Be well.